Our Services
We offer a full range of services in house

This includes General Dental, Cosmetic Dental and Injectables, Surgical Wisdom Tooth Removal, Implants and Orthodontics. We are also a trained provider for Somnomed Snoring Devices.
Come in and talk to us about your needs and concerns today.
Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS)
Did you know that the Australian government Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS) covers eligible children for up to $1000 worth of Dental treatment? You may already have received a letter from Medicare advising you of your child’s eligibility or give us a call and we can easily check your eligibility with Medicare (they don’t make us wait as long on the line, it’s much quicker so we’ll happily do it for you!). Call us today or find out more here.
Call us today to find out if your child is eligible for Medicare coverage of up to $1000 worth of FREE Dental treatment.
The Australian government Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS) covers eligible children for full check-ups and any necessary treatment or dental emergencies. You just need to have your Medicare card handy for us to check your eligibility. You will also be happy to know that we fully BULK BILL eligible children with no out of pocket costs to you. We understand that the cost of raising children today is high and that is why we have made a commitment to charge no out of pocket expenses for your child’s treatment.
CDBS covers eligible children for the recommended 6 monthly Check-ups and cleans if necessary. CDBS will also cover any necessary x-rays, fillings, extractions and root canals. Your child will also be covered for any dental emergencies like a cracked tooth following an accident in the playground or at sport or sudden pain from a tooth cavity.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides eligible children (18 and under) with access to a benefit of up to $1000 worth of treatment over 2 consecutive years.
It is a government scheme that will cover a range of services including check ups, xrays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.
The CDBS continues to be means tested. To check your childs eligibility, please give us a call today. Liverpool Dental Centre will bulk bill all eligible dental treatment under the CDBS scheme.